This episode is about the Special Forces, a Life changing accident, evacuating an Embassy and being relentless in the pursuit of excellence.
Celebrating Veterans Day – Thank you all for your service.

Dean Stott is The Frogman: one of the UK’s premier adventurers and motivational speakers. A former soldier in the British Special Forces, Dean helps ordinary people develop the ability to adapt, survive and thrive in any situation. Now a professional adventurer and renowned motivational speaker, he recently set a new Guinness World Record, cycling the entire length of the Pan-American Highway faster than ever before.

A close friend of Prince Harry, Dean had to smash the world record to get back in time for Harry & Meghan’s wedding!


Dean & Harry

Podcast by the numbers further down the page, let me know if this was useful to you…


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Podcast by the Numbers:

2 MINS – The Special Forces

5 MINS – The Unrelenting Pursuit of Excellence

7 MINS – An Extreme Career Ending Injury

10 MINS – Dealing with an Identity Crisis

12 MINS – “I have a particular set of skills which make me a nightmare for people like you”

16 MINS – 13 Hours & The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (on the ground)

18 MINS – Evacuating the Canadian Embassy in Libya single handed

20 MINS – Hearts and Minds

22 MINS – Planning, Fear and Threats

25 MINS – No backup & creating your own “Special Forces”

28 MINS – Prince Harry, Mental Health and a new challenge

34 MINS – Smashing a World Record to get to Harry and Megan’s wedding!



“Anticipation is worse than participation”


The Long Walk: The True Story Of A Trek To Freedom – Slavomir Rawicz

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