This episode is about starting something , standing up to the “big guys/gals” and using that stuggle to propell your business on the other side!
R.T. Custer is the founder and CEO of Vortic Watch Company, where they reclaim 100-year-old pocket watches and turn them into modern day wrist watches without losing any of their original integrity. He’s turned these living pieces of history into a million dollar company. Can you guess some of the “Big Watch” companies out there had a little problem with him…
Podcast by the numbers further down the page, let me know if this was useful to you…
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Podcast by the Numbers:
2 MINS – Where do you get the idea for this business?
4 MINS – The “David & Goliath” story
7 MINS – Getting sued for a lot!
9 MINS – Fighting on principle & running out of money
11 MINS – Big business pushing their weight around
15 MINS – A lawsuit as a full time job
19 MINS – Sharing the story to WIN
24 MINS – The CRUCIAL things that enable YOU to be so successful in business
27 MINS – The 10 Great American watch companies (pocket watches)
“Success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get”
Building a Story Brand – Don Miller
Start With Why – Simon Sinek