#10 Best Of Season One (BOSO). Taken from episode #4 on April 30th 2014, The Launch Week!
Simon Lovell – Accountable Action.
Interviews to Awaken Your Alpha and Inspire you to live limitless! Each BOSO show HIGHLIGHTS the worlds most successful “Alpha” Interviews for JUST 15 MINUTES of fun and fulfilment delivered to you every week.
Previously a personal fitness trainer and author of The Lunch Box Diet (2009 Harper Collins), I mentor fitness/ health professionals double / triple their income in 30 days or less so that they can have the freedom they want and to have maximum impact around the world. I feel very fortunate to have access and coach with best in the world, one being amazing Tony Robbins.
Simon turned a 13 page ebook into a £120,000 book deal with publishing giant Harper Collins… Maybe YOU have the skills but you just aren’t able to maximise your income. I can help you take yourself to the next level!
In his own words:
I really hate businesses that aren’t results driven. I mean each and every one of us to the core should be about delivering a great result to whoever we work with. It drives referrals, it creates personal satisfaction (I get a warm feeling when someone tells me I got them to their goal). I decided to become a marketing consultant now because I KNOW I have enough personal experience and ‘walked the walk’ to be able to pass you on my knowledge whatever business you’re in.
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