by Adam Lewis Walker | Jun 6, 2017 Do you have that task that just needs to be done by you, you don’t enjoy it, its hanging over you, you know it’s what you really need to do, but you put it off? Do IT first… “EAT...
by Adam Lewis Walker | Sep 9, 2016
This week’s episode is all about personal MILESTONES we all keep and the roles they play. In addition I have a key question and a real life dilemma for you… What is your value worth...
by Adam Lewis Walker | Aug 5, 2016
Over 2 years and 200 episodes later, Awaken Your Alpha is still here! Massive THANK YOU for listening in, it has an up and down journey with its fair share of RESISTANCE. Something we all face on a daily basis, internal resistance, in this short mile-stone show I dig...
by Adam Lewis Walker | Jun 17, 2016
Is someone a NEGATIVE influence in your life? Following last week and talking about the importance of positive people, this week I am talking about HOW TO assess, strengthen, cultivate and protect a positive inner circle....
by Adam Lewis Walker | Jun 10, 2016
“Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher” Oprah This week I am talking about the importance of spending time with positive people. The effect it can have on you,...
by Adam Lewis Walker | Jun 5, 2016
This weeks weekend show is all about letting go of Worry and Anxiety. “Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want” Abraham Hicks My thoughts on worry, why...